Via: Best Dentist News
When you think of summer, you probably think of swimming pools, cookouts, and sunshine — but do you also think of your oral health? During the summer, there are actually things that you should keep in mind when it comes to your smile.Armed with some information, though, you can have a fun summer while maintaining beautiful and healthy teeth.
Did you know that swimming pools can have an effect on your teeth?
The chemicals in swimming pools can lead to discoloration of your smile if you’re exposed for long enough. Research has shown that people who spent more than 6 hours a week in swimming pools ended up with discolored front teeth. The reason is the higher pH level of the water, which beaks down proteins in saliva and leave a brownish stain on your teeth. If the pool’s pH balance isn’t properly cared for, the water can also soften enamel, leading to an increased risk of decay and damage. Luckily, trips to the dentist for regular cleanings and fluoride treatments can combat both of these problems!
Summertime Foods and Beverages…and Your Smile
During the summer, you’re probably going to attend a lot of parties, and with parties come a variety of beverages and snacks. Summertime drinks include soda, sports drinks, white wine, beer, and lemonade, and these drinks are loaded with sugar. A simple tip for counteracting the effects of these beverages, however, is to rinse your mouth with water regularly throughout the party. But don’t brush your teeth too soon after consuming acidic beverages. These drinks can soften enamel, and brushing while the enamel is soft can do more damage. Wait at least an hour before you brush!
Party foods can be dark in color and full of sugar as well. Dark foods contribute to stained teeth, and we all know what happens when you eat too much sugar! Cavities! But by rinsing your mouth after eating these dark and sugary foods, you can avoid staining and cavities — and a trip to the dentist during your summer for teeth whitening and a checkup can give your smile a boost!
It’s pretty simple to keep your smile in shape during these summer months. Brushing, flossing, rinsing after food or drink, and regular trips to the dentist can help keep you looking and feeling your best. Now you just have to figure out how to stay cool!